Devote yourself to an idea. Go make it happen. Struggle on it. Overcome your fears.


Don't you forget:

This is your dream.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Dream it.

   I've been playing soccer as a goalkeeper for five years, and for those five years I've been on countless teams playing year round. Why, you may ask? Well...

   The first time I had ever played goalkeeper was almost six years ago when I was in seventh grade. I had always wanted to be a goalkeeper thanks to my beloved sister, Nina, who was also a goalkeeper. Watching her inspired me and got me all excited to play, myself. I practiced in my backyard with my brother and sisters and mother and father all the way up until it was try outs day, and, go figure, I made the team as the full time goalkeeper. Ever since then, I've trained myself, pushed myself to the limit, broke my limit breaks, and strove to get better--stronger--all because I have this outrageous dream to become a professional goalkeeper...

   To many, this dream may seem impossible--but the only thing that is impossible to me is giving up this dream...that, and slamming a revolving that is really impossible. But anyways, having this dream is what kept me going--kept me striving and pushing to get better. Playing soccer year round, countless goalkeeper coaches, constant training and practice--all of that is needed to succeed at my dream, yes...but the most important thing to the heart, the soul, and the determination. Sure, one can practice day and night to get better, but why do people do that? Not because they necessarily have to, no. It's because they want to--they feel like they need to do it because of how much they want it.

A dream will always be a dream, but it's up to you to make it a reality.

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