Devote yourself to an idea. Go make it happen. Struggle on it. Overcome your fears.


Don't you forget:

This is your dream.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Stretching Part--Dynamically Speaking

I know it has been a while since I wrote on this blog, I've been weighed down with soccer lately.

By the way, I actually had a game today in Lagrangeville, which is two hrs away and we won 4-0. I did really well. I saved a break away shot also, which always excites me. Sadly, though, upon making a jumping save, in the first half, the opposing player knocked me in the head, causing me to collapse and pass out for a moment. During half time my Coach told me that I couldn't play second half due to blurred vision from the impact; I have a slight concussion, and I'm so upset.. Now I can't practice this week until I feel better..

But, anyways! I just got back from the game and I'm ready to write and then go lay down!


Without stretching--you're useless and stiff.

Don't be useless and stiff--stretch because it keeps your body flexible, limp, and less prone to injury.

As a goalkeeper, the way one stretches is different than the way the players on the field stretch

So when your team is in a circle, stretching together, don't follow what they do--you, as a goalkeeper, have important stretches to take care of in order to be in shape to save balls.

Dynamic Stretching

Dynamic stretching is the type of stretching one should do before playing the game or the practice.
Reason being--you move more, which warms your muscles up which helps to stretch muscles better.
You cannot stretch a cold muscle
You will pull a muscle if you try to stretch it while it's cold.
That's why stationary stretching is not good before playing.

How to Stretch Dynamically:

This means being in constant motion to keep your muscles warmed up.

Jogging Always Comes First
Jog back and forth from one point to another (shorter distances call for more reps) Keep in mind that you're not supposed to tire yourself out. Once your legs feel well warmed up, now comes the stretching.

High-Knees is like jogging, only you bring your legs up high in order to stretch your leg joints and your hamstrings (the back of your thighs) fast). In order to do this stretch efficiently, put your hands at waist level and push your knees up to smack your palms. Do these once forward.

Do these on the way back from doing High-Knees. To do this, you're moving forward, fast paced, but you're swinging your feet in back of you in order to hit your heels to your butt, stretching your joints, and your quads (the front of your thighs)


 Front Kicks
Do this by extending your arm and kicking your opposite foot up making contact. This helps you stretch in order to follow through on your kicks. Do this once forward, and jog back.

Quad Stretch
This stretch is, of course, for your quads, and is done by reaching your calf to your back, and holding it there, but at the same time, to make this stretch more efficient, put an opposite force on your hand by pushing your foot against your palm. Do this once forward and jog on the way back.


This stretch is for your groin, and is done simply by bending your knee and pushing it out in an arc motion. When transitioning legs, it helps to do a little skip following the motion of pushing your knee out. Do this stretch once forward.

This is done by reversing the motion of the Groin-Outs, and just bringing your knee in. While transitioning legs, do the little skip in between, following the pull in motion. Do this stretch on the way back from the Groin-Outs.

After all of this dynamic stretching, to finish it off, sprint forward as fast as you can and then just lightly jog back, or walk back, shaking your legs out to get them loose.

Okay, so that was all about Dynamic Stretching, and I'll stress this again::

Dynamic Stretching is used before you begin playing any game or any practice! Stationary Stretching is for after playing any game or any practice!


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